Does this sound familiar?

Faxes are overwhelming us!

Faxes are overwhelming us!

Fixing This Matters

The high volume of faxes in healthcare settings significantly impacts efficiency and operational costs. Traditional faxing is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and prone to errors. Healthcare providers often need to manage and track a large number of faxed documents daily, which can strain administrative resources. The reliance on fax machines also complicates the integration of patient data into electronic health records (EHRs), leading to delays and potential data loss. Furthermore, paper-based faxing poses security risks and compliance challenges, as it is harder to ensure that sensitive patient information is properly protected under HIPAA regulations.

If the problem is not addressed:

  • Operational Inefficiencies: Staff spends excessive time handling faxes, reducing time available for patient care.
  • Higher Costs: Paper, ink, and maintenance for fax machines add up, increasing operational expenses.
  • Data Integration Issues: Delays and errors in transferring faxed information to EHRs can impact patient care quality.
  • Security Risks: Paper faxes are susceptible to breaches, posing risks to patient confidentiality and HIPAA compliance.

How Calvient Helps

Calvient’s Practice Inbox offers an advanced AI-powered fax solution that revolutionizes fax management. Our solution digitizes and automates the processing of faxed documents, significantly reducing the manual effort required. By automatically extracting and integrating relevant data into EHRs, Practice Inbox ensures that patient information is quickly and accurately updated, improving operational efficiency and data accuracy.

Relevant Features:

  • AI-Powered Data Extraction: Automatically extracts key information from faxes, eliminating manual data entry and reducing errors.
  • Seamless EHR Integration: Digitally transfers extracted data into electronic health records, ensuring timely and accurate updates.
  • Secure and HIPAA-Compliant: Maintains the highest standards of data security and compliance, protecting patient information at all stages.
  • Automated Tracking and Management: Provides robust tools for tracking and managing faxed documents, freeing up administrative resources for more critical tasks.
  • Cost Reduction: Reduces the need for paper, ink, and fax machine maintenance, lowering operational costs while increasing productivity.

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Problems We Solve


My no-show and cancellation rates are too high!

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My patients are often lost to follow-up!

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My clinic's resources are underutilized!

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Unpaid balances are hurting our cash flow!

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Our patient communication is ineffective!

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Faxes are overwhelming us!

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Our patients spend too long in the waiting room!

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Our Google star rating is too low!

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All in One Package
The streamlined turn-key solution which includes all available features.
Appointment reminders
Online registration
Self scheduling
Automated waitlist
Online bill pay
Patient Surveys
Fax Management