Does this sound familiar?

Our patients spend too long in the waiting room!

Our patients spend too long in the waiting room!

Fixing This Matters

Long wait times in the waiting room significantly impact patient satisfaction and operational efficiency. Patients who experience prolonged waits are likely to feel frustrated and dissatisfied, leading to lower retention rates. Research indicates that 30% of patients have left a doctor's appointment due to excessive wait times, which directly affects a healthcare provider's revenue and reputation. Additionally, crowded waiting rooms increase the risk of spreading infectious diseases, especially among vulnerable patients​.

If the problem is not addressed:

  • Decreased Patient Satisfaction: Long waits cause frustration and can lead patients to seek care elsewhere.
  • Increased No-Show Rates: Prolonged wait times increase the likelihood of patients canceling or missing appointments.
  • Higher Infection Risk: Crowded waiting areas can facilitate the spread of infectious diseases.

How Calvient Helps

Calvient’s Practice Inbox, combined with our Channels platform, tackles long wait times by optimizing appointment scheduling and enhancing patient flow. Our solutions offer automated scheduling, reminders, and efficient online check-in processes to minimize waiting room time.

Relevant Features:

  • Automated Appointment Scheduling: Streamlines scheduling and reduces administrative workload, ensuring efficient patient flow.
  • Real-Time Check-In: Enables patients to check in electronically before arriving, significantly cutting down waiting room time.
  • Online Paperwork Completion: Allows patients to complete necessary forms online before their visit, expediting the check-in process.
  • Automated Reminders: Sends timely notifications for upcoming appointments, reducing no-shows and ensuring timely arrivals.
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Problems We Solve


My no-show and cancellation rates are too high!

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My patients are often lost to follow-up!

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My clinic's resources are underutilized!

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Unpaid balances are hurting our cash flow!

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Our patient communication is ineffective!

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Faxes are overwhelming us!

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Our patients spend too long in the waiting room!

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Our Google star rating is too low!

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All in One Package
The streamlined turn-key solution which includes all available features.
Appointment reminders
Online registration
Self scheduling
Automated waitlist
Online bill pay
Patient Surveys
Fax Management