Does this sound familiar?

My no-show and cancellation rates are too high!

My no-show and cancellation rates are too high!

Fixing This Matters

High no-show and cancellation rates have a significant negative impact on healthcare practices. Missed appointments lead to substantial financial losses and operational inefficiencies. It's estimated that these issues cost the U.S. healthcare system over $150 billion annually. No-shows can represent up to 19% of all appointments in primary care, leading to tens of thousands of dollars in lost revenue per month for a single provider. When patients fail to show up, it also means that other patients who need timely care are denied the opportunity to be treated.

If the problem is not addressed:

  • Lost Revenue: Practices continue to lose money due to missed appointments.
  • Idle Resources: Providers and staff remain underutilized, leading to inefficiencies.
  • Decreased Access to Care: No-shows contribute to longer wait times for other patients.
  • Patient Attrition: Patients might seek care elsewhere due to long wait times and perceived inefficiencies.

How Calvient Helps

Calvient’s Channels platform effectively reduces no-show and cancellation rates by automating appointment reminders and providing convenient rescheduling options. By leveraging automated text, email, and phone reminders, Channels ensures patients are well-informed and reminded of their appointments. Additionally, the platform offers easy rescheduling options, allowing patients to quickly and conveniently adjust their appointments as needed.

Relevant Features:

  • Automated Appointment Reminders: Sends timely reminders via text, email, or phone to ensure patients remember their appointments.
  • Easy Rescheduling Options: Allows patients to reschedule appointments through a simple and user-friendly interface.
  • Two-Way Communication: Enables patients to confirm or cancel appointments easily, improving overall communication and reducing missed appointments.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Provides insights into no-show patterns, helping practices identify and address underlying causes.

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Problems We Solve


My no-show and cancellation rates are too high!

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My patients are often lost to follow-up!

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My clinic's resources are underutilized!

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Unpaid balances are hurting our cash flow!

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Our patient communication is ineffective!

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Faxes are overwhelming us!

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Our patients spend too long in the waiting room!

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Our Google star rating is too low!

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All in One Package
The streamlined turn-key solution which includes all available features.
Appointment reminders
Online registration
Self scheduling
Automated waitlist
Online bill pay
Patient Surveys
Fax Management