Practical Intelligence for Behavioral Health

A comprehensive, AI-driven platform that enhances workflows into and out of your EHR. Built with mental health and behavioral treatment clinics in mind.

A Comprehensive Platform for Specialty Care

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Prior Authoirzations

Whether for medication, outpatient treatment, or partial hospitalizations your patients will get authorized faster than ever, with no burden on your staff. Ask how Calvient's task automation empowers clinics with the tools they need to get insurance approval.


Work your referral backlog like lightning. Not only can you streamline providing documentation, but you can automatically update other providers as well. Ensure

Care Coordination + Follow-up Management

Patients never slip through the cracks with Calvient. Create tasks for staff to schedule and confirm follow-ups after key events, such as therapy sessions, medication changes, or crisis interventions. Automatically flag patients who miss appointments or skip steps in their care plan, prompting outreach.

MIPS & Regulatory Compliance

Calvient helps you close the referral loop by ensuring your reports are sent and incoming consultant reports are filed properly in your EHR. Stay ahead of CMS requirements with an intelligent layer for your practice management.

We know healthcare
Calvient is a team of seasoned healthcare professionals with a practical mindset and decades of on-the-ground expertise. Our AI-first healthcare operations platform layers on top of your EHR to tackle “boring but critical” tasks—think referrals, prior authorizations, medical record requests, and much more.
Healthcare First
We have 50+ years of direct healthcare experience, so we speak your language. Our team knows how to solve the actual problems healthcare faces.
You Are The Hero
We're just the supporting cast. This means keeping you in full control of the process. Automate as much or as little as needed; we'll show you how.
White-Glove Service
From frontline staff to administrators, we work alongside your team to identify challenges and implement effective solutions. Your success is our success.
Ready to Transform Your Practice?
Outdated systems shouldn’t hold you back—take the next step toward better care coordination and smooth day-to-day operations.
Start Now