A comprehensive, AI-driven platform that enhances workflows into and out of your EHR. Built with mental health and behavioral treatment clinics in mind.
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Whether for medication, outpatient treatment, or partial hospitalizations your patients will get authorized faster than ever, with no burden on your staff. Ask how Calvient's task automation empowers clinics with the tools they need to get insurance approval.
Work your referral backlog like lightning. Not only can you streamline providing documentation, but you can automatically update other providers as well. Ensure
Patients never slip through the cracks with Calvient. Create tasks for staff to schedule and confirm follow-ups after key events, such as therapy sessions, medication changes, or crisis interventions. Automatically flag patients who miss appointments or skip steps in their care plan, prompting outreach.
Calvient helps you close the referral loop by ensuring your reports are sent and incoming consultant reports are filed properly in your EHR. Stay ahead of CMS requirements with an intelligent layer for your practice management.